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Your DOGS & CO pet store, based in Pertuis (84) since 2014, presents your online shopping site!
That you are individuals, breeders, association, is for all animal lovers.
At DOGS & CO, we are convinced that food is the key to your pet's longevity.
That's why we offer you the best brands of croquettes.

Travail de la maison avec un chien

Free nutritional assessment

Because your pet's diet is essential for its health and balance and because the nutritional world for animals is particularly vast and complex. At Dogz and Co we offer you a complete and free 15-minute nutritional assessment by phone. So that your pet's food suits him perfectly.

Our partner associations

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Here you can find our partner associations

who help animals

Capture d’écran 2022-12-16 à 12.04.15.png

TEL: 06 01 18 00 91

Rescues et animal welfare

Capture d’écran 2022-12-16 à 12.08.40.png

Eclip 84

TEL: 07 49 08 07 13

We are looking for host families


Soon on our website online sale of our products

We don’t have any products to show here right now.

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